Action "Ramadan Tent" is held in Dagestan

On the occasion of the sacred Muslim month of Ramadan, the Juma Mosque in Makhachkala has organized the "Ramadan Tent” – a collective breaking of fasting for those who keep it, which brings together up to 1500 people. The action is carried out at the expense of mosque-goers, who bring foodstuffs and water, and make cash donations. The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that this year the Ramadan fasting began on June 18. Ramadan (Ramazan) is the name of the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, when observance of strict fasting (uraza) is mandatory for Muslims. "The collective Iftar – the breaking of the fasting, that is, the evening meal during Ramadan, takes place every evening in the yard of the Central Juma Mosque in Makhachkala,” said a source from the Charity Fund "Insan". "Everyone can come to Iftar, regardless of one’s welfare and social status, including women and children, and members of other faiths," said the source. According to the founder of the above fund Magomedrasul Saaduev, the Imam of the central mosque of Makhachkala, one of the best actions during the month of Ramadan is to treat someone with food at breaking the fasting, because "in Islam, to feed a person is a deed favoured by the Creator, by which a Muslim believer acquires the paradise." He expressed the hope that the action "Ramadan Tent" will spread over all the republic’s mosques.
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