The prosecutor asked to sentence NIDA activists to 6.5-8.5 years

On Thursday the Baku Court of Grave Crimes held unexpected performance of the prosecutor in the trial of activists of NIDA.
At the beginning of the trial the judge Javid Huseynov read two documents and announced the completion of the investigation evidence.
Contrary to the practice, the prosecutor Nemat Avazov did not ask for time to prepare speeches and spoke with the prosecution.
He offered to recognize all the defendants guilty on all counts and sentence Zaur Gurbanly, Rashadat Akhundov and Ilkin Rustamzadeh to 8.5 years of imprisonment, Rashad Hasanov, Bakhtiyar Guliyev and Mamed Azizov - to 8 years, Uzeyir Mammadov - to 7.5 and Shaheen Novruzlu - to 6.5 years of imprisonment.
After the speech of the prosecutor Rashad Hasanov asked to give him the right of response, but the judge refused.
Thereafter, the accused Hasanov said that the defendants believe their arrest was illegal and in protest against the speech of the prosecutor, will begin an indefinite hunger strike.
"We will continue the hunger strike until we are released ," said Hasanov.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 22.
The lawyer Fariz Namazly, commenting the performance of the prosecutor, noted that the judicial investigation had not proved the guilt of the accused.
" This is a political process and we had no illusions. But the prosecutor had to remove charges against Rustamzadeh and Guliyev of "hooliganism " (due to the flashmob Harlem Shake), because it had no reason, even a fraudulent one," said Namazly .
* All the eight defendants were arrested in March and April 2013 on charges of plotting riots during a protest on March 10 against non-combat deaths in the army. They also filed charges of illegal possession of explosives, drugs , hooliganism. Amnesty International recognized all the arrested "prisoners of conscience".
At the beginning of the trial the judge Javid Huseynov read two documents and announced the completion of the investigation evidence.
Contrary to the practice, the prosecutor Nemat Avazov did not ask for time to prepare speeches and spoke with the prosecution.
He offered to recognize all the defendants guilty on all counts and sentence Zaur Gurbanly, Rashadat Akhundov and Ilkin Rustamzadeh to 8.5 years of imprisonment, Rashad Hasanov, Bakhtiyar Guliyev and Mamed Azizov - to 8 years, Uzeyir Mammadov - to 7.5 and Shaheen Novruzlu - to 6.5 years of imprisonment.
After the speech of the prosecutor Rashad Hasanov asked to give him the right of response, but the judge refused.
Thereafter, the accused Hasanov said that the defendants believe their arrest was illegal and in protest against the speech of the prosecutor, will begin an indefinite hunger strike.
"We will continue the hunger strike until we are released ," said Hasanov.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 22.
The lawyer Fariz Namazly, commenting the performance of the prosecutor, noted that the judicial investigation had not proved the guilt of the accused.
" This is a political process and we had no illusions. But the prosecutor had to remove charges against Rustamzadeh and Guliyev of "hooliganism " (due to the flashmob Harlem Shake), because it had no reason, even a fraudulent one," said Namazly .
* All the eight defendants were arrested in March and April 2013 on charges of plotting riots during a protest on March 10 against non-combat deaths in the army. They also filed charges of illegal possession of explosives, drugs , hooliganism. Amnesty International recognized all the arrested "prisoners of conscience".
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