Russia and Abkhazia to sign new friendship and cooperation agreement

Russia and Abkhazia will sign a new friendship and cooperation agreement at the end of the year, as announced by spokesman of Russian president Vladimir Putin after his meeting with Abkhaz counterpart Raul Khajimba. Taras Shamba, a political analyst, the president of the World Congress of Abkhaz-Abazi Peoples, ex-member of the USSR parliament, said that about 80-90 Russian-Abkhaz agreements needed reconsideration, composition of an agreement that would meet the needs of modern relations of the two countries.
In his words, the new agreement is timely, it is needed to improve the quality of legislative documents. Abkhazia needs Russia as a guarantor of security. Shamba emphasized that the new agreement is not a result of certain new factors, it is simply an attempt to systemize existing documents.
In his words, the new agreement is timely, it is needed to improve the quality of legislative documents. Abkhazia needs Russia as a guarantor of security. Shamba emphasized that the new agreement is not a result of certain new factors, it is simply an attempt to systemize existing documents.
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