How many voters are in Azerbaijan?
The Institute for Democratic Initiatives conducted a study on "The audit of voter registration." The goal is to examine the quality and quantity of registration, as well as analysis of the indicators of the CEC and the State Statistics Committee and the difference between them.
The reason for this study became the difference of the data of the CEC and the State Statistics Committee(SSC). For example, the first claims that the number of voters in Azerbaijan is five million, but the SSc states theirnumber is more than 6.8 million people. This is the data of persons who for January 1, 2014 are already 18 years old. Thus, the difference amounts to 1.8 million voters.
A survey was conducted, and out of 125 constituencies the respondents were selected from the 15 districts randomly. The survey was conducted between men (54.8%) and women (45.2%) for several age groups: 18 to 25 years (10.1%), 26-35 (19.5%), 36-45 (17 , 5%), 46-55 (26%) and 56+ (26.8%).
More than 1/3 of respondents do not know who should specify their names as voters. The rest did not express a definite opinion.
Under the existing law, this right belongs to the electoral commission.
On this occasion, the Institute for Democratic Initiatives intends to hold a roundtable.
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